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How to choose your crystals

Everyone will have a different approach to collecting crystals depending on how you shop, what you are looking for, budget, and personal preference.

Some of the methods you might employ are:

Personal Intuitive: 

You may feel drawn to a crystal. This might be as easy as your eye falling on a crystal, or basket of tumbled stones as you enter a shop. It might just be coincidence that it was in you line of sight at that point, but if you keep coming back to it whilst looking at other things then it may be something you energetically need.

It might be that you are looking at something else in a shop and there's a tingling in the back of your neck; it might feel like goosebumps or heat or pressure on a part of your body or face.

You might hover your hand over a collection of crystals to feel if one calls to you. You might feel it as a pull on your fingers where they pass over the correct crystal. It may not be the prettiest or largest but it it will be the right one for you.

If you have a pendulum you might use that to lightly touch crystals and ask 'is this the right one?' and look for the yes/no response.

If you are looking at crystals online it will be a similar response. You may find yourself coming back to that page or crystal. You may be scrolling down a shop and one calls out for you to stop and look. It might be that you like or favourite the crystal. If you leave the shop you may find yourself thinking about the item later on.

The key thing with the intuitive approach is not to overthink things. If you question your intuition too much you will lose the sense of what was calling to you. If that happens take a little break from that choice and come back to it after a few minutes.

Intuitive selection by others

Anyone with an affinity for crystals who is selling them will be able to make an intuitive selection for you. It would happen automatically when selecting an individual stone from a collection of similar stones, or when putting together a chakra or healing kit. 

Sometimes you may wish to take it further than asking for the best selection from a group of rose quartz, or amethyst; you may wish to have a more mystery collection chosen and sent to you, intuitively selected by the crystal shop owner. Anyone offering this service should have the ability to tune into what would be needed and the selection then cannot be incorrect.

Selecting by crystal energy

You might know that you are working on being more grounded, or more spiritual, or dealing with grief, or preparing for exams, coping with a new medical issue, or as many other things as there are situations and emotions. There are as many crystal combinations as there are life situations. You might want to do a little research into which crystal has the effect you are looking for.

There are books which cover the energy of crystals and many websites, such as this one, offering advice. How you like the information laid out is up to you, but maybe try two to three and see if they all agree the energy of that type of stone is what you are looking for. Bookmark and save the sites you find particularly helpful so you can more easily do your research later.

If you want to ask questions there are forums out there with discussions about holistic therapies, not only holistic sites but also general life forums such as parenting sites. Or using the chat or contact options on shop websites such as this one. Even if there wasn't the crystal type in my shop I would be happy to answer a question about the correct energy for a particular issue.

Getting a starter kit and beginning there

A good place to start might be a Chakra kit with 7-10 tumbled stones. These kits are usually a cost effective way of buying a few key crystals. There would be several colours and energy types to correspond to the Chakras, or energy centres that run through the body.


You should have a grounding stone which are usually also protective; a very important consideration when doing any kind of energy work. These should be included in any starter kit (and will usually be the Base Chakra stone in a Chakra kit).

You might want to begin with a kit containing a pendulum, and learn how to dowse for yes/no and use that approach for selecting a crystal for each purpose, or which should be carried with you for the day. It can also aid you in selecting additional crystals.

A little note about the limitation of crystals/complementary therapies

I qualified as a registered nurse a decade before I started my diploma as a crystal healer. I believe in their healing energy and usefulness as a complementary therapy; but I also believe in modern medicine being a wonder. If you have medical symptoms that are concerning you please see a medical practitioner as soon as possible. Medical issues are always better if dealt with swiftly. Most doctors would be happy with you using crystals/therapies alongside their treatments, and they can be a fantastic support.


If you need crystal support to go and see a doctor may I suggest Bloodstone, which helps with courage, grounds you in the present, and helps you to see past the moment of fear to the benefits of your actions.

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